In copy-trading, a variety of factors may result in unsuccessful copy-trading orders. Here are some common factors for your convenience, which may lead to unsuccessful copy trading orders. 

1. The number of followers of the current trader has reached the limit, making them unavailable. In this situation, you can choose to follow other exceptional traders. 

2. Your current status is designated as a trader. Traders may only start leading orders and are not permitted to copy orders. 

3. The trader you are currently following has revoked their registration. In this case, you can choose to follow other exceptional traders.

4. Your current copied trader has placed an order that does not support futures assets of copy trading, which prevents the follower from conducting copy trading. 

For example, your copied trader has opened a position for Futures A, however, copy trading is not available for Futures A, which means you are not permitted to conduct copy trading for Futures A. 

5. The futures assets traded by the trader are not the ones specified by the follower. In this scenario, you can adjust the futures assets if you want to continue copy trading. 

For example, let’s assume you have followed Trader A and set the asset of copy trading to BTCUSDT. When Trader A opens a position for BTCUSDT, you may initiate copy trading. If Trader A opens a position for ETHUSDT, you will not be able to proceed with copy trading. If you want to follow Trader A to open a position for ETHUSDT, you can adjust your copy trading settings and add ETHUSDT to your futures assets. 

6. If there is no fund in the follower’s futures account, or the available balance in the futures account is less than the amount of a single copied order, the copy trading will not be completed successfully. If this is the case and you want to continue copy trading, you can adjust the margin amount of a single copied order, or transfer more funds to the futures account, so that the available balance in the futures account is greater than or equal to the amount of a single copied order. 

For example, if you have set the margin of a single copied order to 30 USDT and the available balance in your futures account is 25 USDT, you will not be permitted to continue copy trading. In this situation, you may either lower the margin of a single copy trading order to 20 USDT (for instance) or transfer more funds to the futures account, like 20 USDT, so that the available balance is greater than 30 USDT. Then you may proceed to continue copy trading.

7. If the limit of the follower’s positions has been reached or the amount of copy trading has reached the upper limit, the copy trading will not be completed successfully. In this situation, if you want to continue copy trading, you can adjust the maximum amount of copy trading.

For example, let’s assume you have set the margin of a single copy trading order to 100 USDT and the maximum amount of copy trading is 300 USDT. After you have followed the trader to open positions 3 times, the maximum amount of copy trading will have been reached. Due to this restriction, you will not be permitted to open positions for trading. If you find yourself in this situation and you want to continue copy trading, you can increase the maximum amount of copy trading. 

In case you have run into other situations that might result in unsuccessful copy trading orders, feel free to contact our official customer service team ([email protected]) for further assistance.

8. If  the required margin for opening a position exceeds the available margin in the follower's account due to the multiplier, the copy trading order will fail. In such a case, the follower can adjust the multiplier set earlier or transfer additional funds to their futures account to ensure sufficient available balance for copying the position. 

For instance, consider a trader sets a 10x multiplier and a 2x leverage with their futures account balance of 100 USDT to copy trader A, who opens a 0.1 ETH position (equivalent to 50 USDT). The 10x multiplier would result in a copied position of 1 ETH (0.1 ETH*10), worth 500 USDT. However, with the current 2x leverage, their 100 USDT margin can only open a position worth up to 200 USDT in ETH equivalent. As a result, copy trading would not be feasible in this situation. 

If the trader still wishes to proceed with copy trading, here are three alternative methods to consider:

  1. Lower the multiplier, such as reducing it to 3x,
  2. Adjust the contract leverage to a lower value,
  3. Transfer of additional funds to your futures account, i.e., 200 USDT, to ensure your available balance is greater than 250 USDT (this would open a position worth up to 500 USDT in ETH equivalent at the 2x leverage).